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Why Leadership Training?

Good leadership is essential to the success of any business. Leadership decisions and actions in a company can have a positive or negative impact on a team's culture and productivity, depending on how effective a company's leaders are. 

The course will be a self-paced series of online modules with optional supplementary workshops led via video conferencing. Each module will address one of the 3Cs (communication, coaching, and conflict resolution) and include examples and scenarios for participants to practice with. Participants will be assessed for each module as well as a final assessment.

Instructional Goals & Analysis

This course will target new or aspiring managers working in a corporate environment or any person in a management position who wants to improve their communication, coaching, and conflict resolution skills and will be available to the public. ​

Goal 1: New managers will select appropriate modes of communication and craft messages using the 7Cs (clarity, correctness, courteous, completeness, conciseness, concreteness, and consideration).​
Copy of Task 02 - Group 2 Leadership Skills.png
Goal 2: New managers will proactively identify and address sources of conflict by applying de-escalation techniques that support continued community cooperation.
Copy of Task 02 - Group 2 Leadership Skills (3).png

Learner & Context Analysis

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